Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Keeper






I am very loyal to Starbucks Mocha Frappucino.
I guess I'm very loyal to pretty much anything; from the trivial down to the serious stuff in life.

It only takes me minutes to finish strutting the supermarket aisle because I know exactly what brand of toiletries I wanted. I basically order the same food at restaurants or use the same cellular network. I have the same number over the years since cellphones came into power. I think Globe should be giving me loyalty rewards/rebates or something.haha!

I only have a few friends. I was not always the Miss Congeniality type. I have the same set of friends from grade school, high school, college, and work.
And most of all, I have the same boyfriend for the past 7 years, 9 months, 8 days.
And hopefully for the rest of my life.

Now he is one lucky dude. *wink wink* :)

Who wants to give me a loyalty award? I'm begging you I deserve it! LOL

{wearing my boyfriend's shirt, cut-off shorts, thrifted brown leather belt, and the shoes I'm most loyal to, my gladiator heels. :) }


trishacamille said...

nice! the shots look like really cool paparazzi shots. your boy makes one good photographer :)

Unknown said...

the shots are great, and I love your shoes. i wish i had a photographer, or rather a better camera. great look!

toxic disco boy said...

miu miu! u have amazing bags.